Customer Success that scales

Magnify helps Customer Success teams to scale. Have your CS teams focus on strategic activities and use Magnify automatic to drive end-user adoption.

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Grow revenue and reduce churn without more headcount

Magnify helps your CS and Sales teams quickly identify which accounts are ready for expansion or at risk for churn.  We use custom predictive machine learning models– co-built with AWS engineers– that can accurately forecast churn and expansion for your accounts. We also identify which users are engaged or not– and what is needed to move them to a great user.  

We can then trigger actions at the account or user level to drive engagement.  For example, we can automatically tell you that user John Doe is less engaged, creating risk in the account, and that having him use Feature A in your product will reduce churn.  From there, we automatically trigger a set of actions to help John Doe learn and use Feature A.

All of this is done without a CSM having to do any work, creating scale and efficiency for your CS team like never before.

Work across all your customer segments

Magnify drives value for your CS team, no matter the segment.  CS managed accounts can use Magnify to quickly understand what are the core drivers of risk for that specific account and what users should be targeted. This frees up time for your CSMs to do the high-value, strategic work in the account.

For your tech-touch or lower-touch SMB segments, Magnify can help you programmatically engage each user to drive adoption without requiring manual intervention. Identify what accounts are at high risk for churn or expansion and target your investments accordingly.

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Ready to Learn More?

Find out more about how to scale your Digital CS organization with Customer Growth Automation.

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